
Thinking of signing up for a Parker’s PumpPal card? You should! There are a lot of great reasons to do it that go beyond saving at the pump.

1. Savings! Okay so this is the big one. Save anywhere from 5 to 10 cents per gallon throughout the year, and even more during special promotions. You can save a couple hundred bucks each year, and who doesn’t want that?

2. It’s not just for gas. Quickly swipe your PumpPal card in the store when you buy things like drinks, Chewy Ice, snacks, 28 degree beer, our crispy crunchy southern fried chicken, mac and cheese, potato logs, mashed potatoes and savory gravy, red rice, fried catfish…. mmmm… What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, use your PumpPal card to buy our signature deli food items, too!

3. What’s your number? Every PumpPal card uses its own unique pin number for an extra line of security. Unlike a debit card, your PumpPal card is useless without the pin number. If it made its way into the wrong hands, you’d be safe from any unauthorized charges.

4. You’ve got mail! With every PumpPal transaction, we send you an itemized email receipt so you can see exactly what you bought. It helps you keep track of business expenses like gas.

5. Speaking of business expenses… We offer a different version of PumpPal for our local business owners called the Business Elite. This allows one individual (or business) to issue several cards to employees under the same account. There’s even an option to only allow gas to be purchased with the card. It’s ideal for any company that has a fleet of vehicles.

6. Contests! We’ve got an amazing contest coming up to celebrate our 40th birthday, and it’s just for our PumpPal members. You could win BIG if you sign up for a card now. Watch out for more details, but right now that’s all we can tell you. #tease

Did we convince you? Here’s some additional info about our PumpPal card. Stop by your favorite Parker’s and pick up a card, and set it up by calling the phone number printed on the back, or through our website.

See you at Parker’s!


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